Jawa Barat - Bekasi

21067-69 SulfaVer® 4 Sulfate Reagent Powder Pillows, 10 mL, pk/100  

Harga :
Rp. 1 / pak
Merk :
Pembelian Minimal :
1 pak
Pembelian Maksimal :
1000 pak
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
Dilihat :
124 Kali
Update Terakhir :
05-10-2017 18:26

Detail Produk

Product Name Part Number
0.001M KCl Standard Solution, 50 mL  2974226
0.001M KCl Standard Solution, 500 mL  2974249
0.01M KCl Standard Solution, 50 mL  2974326
0.01M KCl Standard Solution, 500 mL  2974349
0.1M KCl Standard Solution, 50 mL  2974426
0.1M KCl Standard Solution, 500 mL  2974449
1000 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; 491 mg/L NaCl, 100 mL  1440042
18,000 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; 10,246 mg/L NaCl; 100 mL  2307442
180 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; 85.47 mg/L NaCl, 100 mL  2307542
1990 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; (995 mg/L TDS, 1000 mg/L NaCl), 100 mL  210542
1990 µS/cm Conductivity Standard; (995 mg/L TDS, 1000 mg/L NaCl), 1L  210553
200 mV ORP Solution, 1L  25M2A1001-119 
200 mV ORP Solution, 3.5L  25M2A1001-123 
200 mV ORP Solution, 500ML  25M2A1001-115 
5 in 1 Water Quality Test Strips, 50 tests  2755250
53,000 µS/cm Conductivity Standard, 35.0 ppt salinity, Bottle/500 mL  2714349
600 mV ORP Solution, 1L  25M2A1002-119 
600 mV ORP Solution, 3.5L  25M2A1002-123 
600 mV ORP Solution, 500ML  25M2A1002-115 
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, panel mount  9001600
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit  9000800
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, with enclosure  9000400
9240 Sodium Analyzer 1 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit  9001200
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, panel mount  9001700
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit  9000900
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, with enclosure  9000500
9240 Sodium Analyzer 2 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit  9001300
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, panel mount  9000200
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit  9001000
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, with enclosure  9000600
9240 Sodium Analyzer 3 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit  9001400
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, panel mount  9000300
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, panel mount with Cation Kit  9001900
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, with enclosure  9000700
9240 Sodium Analyzer 4 channel, with enclosure/ Cation Kit  9001500
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer (0 to 10,000 ppb) with Enclosure, Universal  6849400
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer (0 to 10,000 ppb), Panel Mount, Universal  6849500
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer (0 to 200 ppm), Panel Mount, Universal with Cation Kit  6858000
9245 Single Channel On-Line Sodium Analyzer (0 to 200ppm) with Enclosure/ Cation Kit, Universal  6858010
A-1 Medium Broth MPN Tubes for Coliform Bacteria, Fecal, pk/15  2560915
Acetate Buffer Solution, pH 4.0, 100 mL  1490932
Acetic Acid, Glacial, 500 mL  10049
Acetone 4 L  1442917
Acetone, 500 mL  1442949
Acid Electrode Cleaning Solution, 50 mL Bottle  2975126
Acid Electrode Cleaning Solution, 500 mL Bottle  2975149
Acid Reagent Powder Pillow for 25ML Samples, PK/100  104299
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows 100 tests  212699
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 10 mL sample, pk/1000  2107428
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 10mL sample, pk/100  2107469
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows for HR Silica, 5 mL sample, pk/100  1454599
Acid Reagent Powder Pillows, 25 mL sample, pk/1000  104228
Acidity Reagent Sets, 100/tests  2272800
Acridine Orange Broth, Glass Ampules pk/20  2375620
Advanced Starter Package, Drinking Water Facilities and Distribution Systems - Chloramines  2507800
Advanced Starter Package, Wastewater  2508400
Alachlor in Water, Pocket Colorimeter II Test Kit  2812900
Alkali Solution 100 mL MDB  2241732
Alkaline Cyanide Reagent 500 mL  2122349
Alkaline Cyanide Reagent, 100 mL, Measured Dropping Bottle  2122332
Alkaline Cyanide Reagent, 50 mL, Self-Contained Dropping Bottle  2122326
Alkaline Iodide Reagent 500 mL  27649
Alkaline Iodide-Azide Reagent 500 mL  27749
Alkaline Iodide-Azide Reagent, Powder Pillows, pk/50  107266
Alkalinity Buffer, pH 4.50, 50 mL sample, pk/25 Powder Pillows  89568
Alkalinity Buffer, pH 8.30, 50 mL sample, pk/25 Powder Pillows  89868
Alkalinity Reagent Set, for AL/DT Alkalinity Digital Titrator Test Kit  2271900
Alkalinity Standard Solution as Na2CO3 (NIST), 25,000 mg/L as CaCO3, pk/16 - 10 mL Voluette® Ampule  1427810
Aluminum Reagent Set, 0-0.220 mg/L, 25 mL sample, ECR method, for use with DR/2000 Spectrophotometer  2443400

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