Jawa Barat - Bekasi

InfraCal 2 TRANS-SP and InfraCal 2 ATR-SP

Harga :
Rp. 1 / unit
Merk :
Pembelian Minimal :
1 unit
Pembelian Maksimal :
10 unit
Pengiriman :
30 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Jawa Barat - Bekasi
Dilihat :
289 Kali
Update Terakhir :
06-02-2017 14:07

Detail Produk



The InfraCal 2 ATR-SP is recommended for measuring oil in water, TPH in soil/drilling waste or FOG in wastewater using the traditional EPA methods 413.2 and 418.1 or ASTM method D7066-04.  Measurement data obtained with this analyzer will correlate to EPA Method 1664 as both procedures are based on evaporation techniques and measuring the residual oil and grease. The analyzer is equipped with a built-in cubic zirconia horizontal attenuated total reflection (HATR) stainless steel sample stage. 

The InfraCal2 Analyzer gives results in less than 15 minutes and has a reputation for the rugged durability required in the off-shore environment. The sampling requires a few simple steps that can be performed by non-technical personnel. The water is mixed with the extraction solvent, shaken, and then presented to the InfraCal 2 Analyzer for measurement. 

The InfraCal 2 has added features such as touch screen display, data storage and transfer, a multi-language interface and password protected settings.  The internal battery pack allows for portability and up to 12 hours continuous use.

  • Minimum Detection Limit Water: 0.3 ppm
  • Minimum Detection Limit Soil: 3 ppm
  • Method Compares: EPA 1164 & ISO 9377-2
  • Solvents: Hexane, pentane, cyclohexane & Vertrel MCA

  InfraCal 2 ATR-SP

Features & Benefits

Both the InfraCal 2 TRANS-SP and InfraCal 2 ATR-SP are recommended for measuring oil in water, TPH in soil or FOG in wastewater.




Sub-ppm Detection

Reads down to 0.1ppm (+/-0.1ppm) for analysis that requires sub-ppm level of oil in water

Internal Data Storage 

Data storage including each measurement tagged with analyst, location and date/time information, and password protected instrument settings


Directly to your PC via USB or a Flash Drive

Touch Screen Display

The touch screen display allows a simple set up for quick operation along with an easy calibration wizard.

Internal Battery

The internal battery pack allows for portability and up to 12 hours continuous use.

Multi-Language Interface

English, Spanish, French, Arabic

Password Protected Settings

Calibration and data are password protected to avoid accidental deletion

Multiple Calibrations

A multitude of calibrations can be stored allowing the InfraCal to be moved to different locations without the need to recalibrate after initial calibration at a particular location

No need for Installation/Commissioning

The InfraCal 2 is a portable analyzer, weighing less than 5 lbs. with a 6 in. square foot print, requiring no installation or commissioning, little to no routine maintenance or recalibration.

Minimal Consumables

The analysis requires little to no consumables making the cost-per-test minimal.



The InfraCal 2 Model ATR-SP & TRANS-SP can be ordered with various factory calibrations. They are available with a single or multiple calibrations. Calibration of the analyzer enables it to directly display oil/grease concentration levels in parts per million (ppm) or milligram/kg.

Factory Calibration by Spectro Scientific

Spectro Scientific can provide the InfraCal 2 Model ATR-SP with a factory calibration using the calibration standards, prepared by a certified laboratory, listed below available for purchase. This prepares the analyzer for immediate use once received by the customer. Factory calibrations are available for water and soil. Please specify which at the time you order your InfraCal Analyzer. This option is strongly recommended for international customers, as well as those US customers who do not require a certified calibration or do not wish to calibrate the analyzer themselves.


Analytical Wavelength/Wave Number

3.4 µm, 2930 cm-1

Power Requirements

18 volts DC, 3.3 amps, internal battery pack available

Power Supply

Universal AC/DC provided


5.8 lb. (2.6 kg) with battery -7.0 lbs (3.2 kg)


(17 cm) x 7.8" (19.8 cm) x 5.2" (13.2 cm)

Suggested Operating Range

5°C - 40°C

Measurement Range


For Water

0.3-1000+ ppm

For Soil

3-5000+ ppm

Analysis Time

10-15 minutes, including extraction process

Instrument Repeatability

±0.2 ppm

Communication Port




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